

Numerous individuals are attracted to the tiny island state and relocate to Malta every year. Primarily, Malta is the perfect location to expand your business, to retire with peace of mind, to invest, to buy luxurious but affordable property and to relocate your family in the smoothest way possible. After all, the Islands have plenty to offer – a typically Mediterranean climate, great history, culture, a prosperous economy and a multilingual population.

GVZH Advocates’ Malta relocation services are targeted to both individuals and businesses. Upon assessing your relocation inquiry, we will strive to guide you and present you with a number of options in order to facilitate your move to Malta. Our professional and quality-driven solutions are geared to assist you and to save you precious time.

Why Would One Opt For Malta?

Relocating your business and or family to Malta can be advantageous for a number of reasons, besides the sun and sea, Malta offers a number of programmes which grant one a special tax rate, residency and/ or citizenship.

Malta’s Prosperous Economy and Lifestyle

  • Fitch Ratings reaffirmed Malta’s rating at “A” with a steady outlook. Fitch also recognises the fact that Malta is willing to keep on overtaking other EU states with regards to employment and GDP growth. (published on the 11th of September 2014)
  • Malta has maintained its 2nd place ranking on the 28th edition of the Internal Market Scoreboard, identifying Malta as one of the European Union’s best performers within the internal market. (published by the EU Commission on 17th of July 2014)
  • A strong economy as well as a safe, secure and pleasant lifestyle.
  • Excellent standard of education
  • A European Union Member State
  • Malta is a member of the Schengen Area
  • Free movement of capital
  • Political stability

Preliminary Steps

Prior to relocating to Malta, it is important to be well-informed and prepared before making your move. It is essential to keep in mind that travel documentation and permits are essential whilst relocating to another country and being in possession of a valid passport is of utmost importance.

Furthermore, one should think ahead when applying for a visa or a permit since these may take some time to be issued. Whilst relocating, it is advised to keep all the relevant documents, such as credit cards, identity cards, driving license, residential permits, bank statements, utility bills, birth certificates, marriage certificates and insurance policies at hand, as these will essential when applying for an e-Residence card or a work permit.

It is also important to note that Maltese citizens are offered free health care benefits in Malta. EU/EEA/Swiss nationals – who are temporary living in Malta – also benefit from direct access to health care, but only on Presentation of the European Health Insurance Card together with an identification document. Nevertheless, should these documents not be made available or the individual is a non-EU/EEA/Swiss national, health care bills must be paid in full. It is thus advisable that prior to relocating to Malta, the individual ensures that he has the right health care insurance.

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+356 2122 8888

192 Old Bakery Street,
VLT 1455,

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