Malta Retirement Programme

Malta Retirement Programme

Beneficiaries under the Malta Retirement Programme may be taxed at the flat rate of 15% on the pension remitted, however, a minimum tax of €7,500 must be paid by the beneficiary and at least €500 must be paid for every dependant and special carer.

Beneficiaries of this programme must be EU/ EEA/ Swiss nationals who are not employed and who have bought or leased property in Malta costing at least €275,000 if in Malta and between €220,000 and 250,000 if in Gozo, or leased for €9,600 per annum if in Malta or €8,750 if in Gozo.

Executive posts on boards of Malta resident companies may not be held by beneficiaries of the Programme, however, certain activities related to institutions, trusts and foundations of a public character engaged in philanthropic and educational work may be carried out.

Beneficiaries must be receiving pension which makes up 75%, or more, of their chargeable income and must hold and present evidence of this.

Health insurance policy for beneficiaries and their dependants is also necessary for beneficiaries who must be fit and proper persons.

Moreover, beneficiaries must, not reside in any one other jurisdiction (other than Malta) for more than 183 days.

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