Electronic Communications

Electronic Communications

The electronic communications sector is a vast and dynamic sector spanning infrastructure based issues related to fixed, mobile, television, internet services and other related matters.  As technology continues to advance and the digital divide continues to expand, legal frameworks must  cope with issues from injecting competition into a monopolised market, to issues such as convergence, next generation access and high speed data transfers, making regulation of the sector a truly challenging endeavour.

Our Electronic Communications Law practice has been involved in providing regulatory advice to clients both locally and to regulators in developing countries. Our expertise covers the following areas:

drafting and implementation of legal frameworks for electronic communications and related issues;
drafting of consultation papers and responses to consultation;
competition and antitrust matters;
market analyses;
spectrum management, reframing and auction design;
mobile virtual network operators/enablers (MVNOs);
numbering and number portability;
international connectivity;
legal interception;
dispute resolution;
cost accounting and methodology;
next generation access;
infrastructure sharing;
rights of way and in-house wiring;
communications on vessels and aircrafts.

We are also able to provide tailor-made courses focusing on regulatory issues relating to electronic communications and related areas.

For further information about how GVZH Advocates can help you with your competition /antitrust law related matters kindly contact us on competition@gvzh.mt

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