Employment and Industrial Relations Law
Unemployment in Malta Continues to Decrease: a Quick Overview on the Latest Statistics
Unemployment in Malta Continues to Decrease: a Quick Overview on the Latest Statistics
< 1 min read
According to new statistics which have been recently published by the Employment and Training Corporation (ETC), unemployment rate has continued to decrease in Malta. In fact, based on the said statistics, unemployment among all age groups has dropped from 6,287 to 4,615 in 2015.
When comparing this data with statistics from December 2014, it results that the number of individuals who have been registering with ETC for work opportunities in 2015, has considerably decreased. In this respect, it is important to note that, among the said individuals, the number of persons with a disability who were listed in the ETC’s register decreased by 44, reaching the number of 398 individuals.
In view of the above, it is clear that Malta continues to improve on, and strive to create more employment opportunities for all individuals, and hence this is the reason why Malta continues to be one of the most attractive European countries where employers decide to run their business and employees decide to work and reside.
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