Private Clients Newsletter Issue 1 – May 2021

May 2021

Private Clients Newsletter - Issue 1

Welcome to the very first GVZH Private Clients Newsletter!

With the outbreak of COVID-19 at the start of 2020 and the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union on the 31st of January 2020, there have certainly been a few developments and challenges in the realm of Immigration.

In this newsletter, we will be discussing three unrelated topics which are predominantly in relation to either changes in the law and the launching of new residence programmes. We first delve into the residence status of UK nationals following Brexit wherein we refer to UK nationals who lived in Malta prior to the withdrawal, during the transition period and post 1st January 2021 and essentially outlining who and who is not protected under the Withdrawal Agreement. Another topic which we discuss is the abolishment of the employment license which prior to the recent amendments certain third country nationals required in order to work in Malta even if in possession of long term residence status and lastly, we introduce the new Malta Permanent Residence Programme which launched in March and is a residence-by-investment programme, which will ultimately replace the former Malta Residence and Visa Programme, however, with certain updates in the eligibility criteria.

We hope that you find this newsletter interesting and useful and feel free to get back to us with any feedback on

Best regards,
The GVZH Private Clients Team

The intent behind this newsletter is purely to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice.

UK Nationals navigating residence status in Malta post-Brexit

By virtue of the Withdrawal Agreement which came into force on the 1st  of February 2020, the United Kingdom (‘UK’) cut its ties and subsequently withdrew from the European Union (‘EU’) in accordance with Article 50 of the Treaty of the European Union.

Read the full article here

Abolishment of the Employment License Requirement

Prior to the 11th of March 2021, all third country nationals who had long-term residence status in Malta were still expected to obtain an employment license in order to work in Malta. This has changed following the publication of Legal Notice 84 of 2021.

Read full article here

A Newly Launched Residence Opportunity: the ‘Malta Permanent Residence Programme’

The Malta Permanent Residence Programme (hereinafter ‘MPRP’) was launched on the 29th of March 2021 by virtue of Legal Notice 121 of 2021. The MPRP is a residency-by-investment programme which essentially entitles the beneficiary (who must be a non-EU national) to the right to settle, stay and reside in Malta on a permanent basis. In addition, one may also avail of VISA-free travel throughout the Schengen zone.

Read the full article here

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