Collective Investment Schemes (CIS) - Malta Investment Funds
The MFSA publishes new Regulations which transpose the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive
27 Mar 2013
| < 1 min read
Collective Investment Schemes (CIS) - Malta Investment Funds
The MFSA publishes new Regulations which transpose the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive
27 Mar 2013
< 1 min read
Following the issuance of the consultation paper on the 03rd September 2012 with respect to the proposed transposition of certain requirements of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (“AIFMD”) and as part of the transposition by Malta of the AIFMD, on the 08th March 2013 the MFSA published the following legal notices in the Malta Government Gazette:
- L.N. 113 of 2013: Investment Services Act (Marketing of Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations, 2013;
- L.N. 114 of 2013: Investment Services Act (Alternative Investment Fund Manager) (Passport) Regulations, 2013;
- L.N. 115 of 2013: Investment Services Act (Alternative Investment Fund Managers) Regulations, 2013; and
- L.N. 116 of 2013: Investment Services Act (Alternative Investment Fund Manager) (Third Country) Regulations, 2013.
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